Why Taking a Rest is Difficult in the Modern Times?

Robi Kate Miranda
2 min readJul 4, 2021


In a world where productivity and ‘busy-ness’ are often glorified, resting is easier said than done. For many people who are so accustomed to working around the clock, resting is sometimes considered a ‘guilty pleasure’.

This might be the unfortunate reality nowadays but we must not forget that resting is not for the weak. If you want to work smarter, resting is one of the things you should prioritize because it actually improves our body not just physically but also emotionally.

According to the book entitled “The Art of Rest” by Claudia Hammond, work-life balance is important. Based on the study she has conducted, here are the kinds of activities that you should try to rest: reading books, listening to music, spending time with nature, sleeping, or just doing nothing. Everybody has their own strategies so you should try whatever stuff calms you down during stressful times.

Trying to survive our everyday lives is already a challenge for most of us, especially with the pandemic. With different problems that come our way, we are probably stressed most of the time but we should not forget one simple thing that can calm us down — stop for a while, breathe in and breathe out, and rest.

Image Source: Lisa (https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-wearing-pair-of-black-slides-1272328/)



Robi Kate Miranda

Hi, I'm Robi! Welcome to my blog. Read about my advocacies, self-help tips, productivity strategies, and everything in between.