Why you should be mindful of your ‘self-talk’?

Robi Kate Miranda
3 min readAug 29, 2021


Be careful. Your self-talk influences your actions.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

I was in excruciating pain a few days ago because of a dental operation. It’s the worst physical pain I’ve experienced this year. I was literally crying during and after the operation. When I went home, I immediately concluded that I have low ‘pain tolerance’.

The question is, is it true? Of course, it is. As Henry Ford said, “If you believe you can or believe you cannot, it is right.” Our behavior is belief-driven.

This is also what Jim Kwik discussed in one of his most-watched Mindvalley Talks videos on YouTube. He emphasized that our brain is like a supercomputer and our self-talk is the program that it will learn to run.

I guess this is true so I should stop doubting myself.

For a long time, I’ve doubted myself in solving mathematical problems — when in fact, I’ve got a 1.25 in a Math course during my undergraduate years.

I’ve doubted myself in designing — when in fact, my Elementary teachers praised the projects that I submitted.

I’ve doubted myself in hosting — when in fact, my friend once trusted me in hosting her debut party.

I’ve doubted myself in business and operations because I have little to no experience doing these things when in fact — a startup company founder trusted me in this line of work.

I’ve doubted myself more than a million times — maybe because this is my usual self-talk to myself. I’ve doubted my capabilities because this is the mindset I imposed upon myself — that I won’t be able to do the things that other people do.

Just like what happened earlier this week, I’ve thought that I won’t be able to surpass the pain of the operation. I know it will not immediately take place but I started thinking and believing that it will.

Photo by Engin Akyurt from Pexels

I suddenly remembered a college professor who first introduced me to the notion of growth mindset and fixed mindset which I almost forgot until now. A concept by Dr. Carol Dweck, a growth mindset sees intelligence and talent as qualities that can be honed over time. Meanwhile, having a fixed mindset means individual traits cannot change. It takes commitment to focus on a growth mindset but it will surely help us surpass our limits.

Indeed, based on this scientific study, we have the capabilities to surpass challenges and do things that we want to do as long as we put in the effort.

“If you believe you can or believe you cannot, it is right.” -Henry Ford

So, trust yourself just like how other people trust you. Be mindful of your self-talk. Stop sabotaging yourself, rather start trusting your capabilities. The world is your oyster, it will always be. ♡



Robi Kate Miranda

Hi, I'm Robi! Welcome to my blog. Read about my advocacies, self-help tips, productivity strategies, and everything in between.